Sunday, September 28, 2008

Isaac's Shoot at Grandpa's

This was my third shoot with little Isaac and Kelly. The first shoot was when Isaac about 3 months old. The second shoot, Isaac was 9 months and now he is 13 months old. How the time flies. It has been a true privilege getting to know Kelly's family through our shoots. The third shoot was by far my personal favorite. Since Isaac is older now, Kelly wanted to try something different. She invited me out to her grandpa's farm house and asked if we could take some shots of Isaac in "grandpa's element." Grandpa's property was abundant with wooden sheds, tall grass, tractors, and even a red canoe. The perfect prospects for unique photos and backdrops. After we took the shots, Grandpa Jason joined us outside for some photos in his fabulous vegetable garden. Jason, no doubt, has a green thumb and loves to grow anything you can think of. Broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini the size of Texas, pumpkins, squash, onions (red, yellow, and white), tomatoes, numerous peppers, and of course his family famous popcorn, are just a few veggies this gardener has grown. Isaac and his great grandpa fiddled through the cherry tomatoes until they found one ripe enough to pick. As I clicked the shutter button I realized I was capturing moments that Isaac will one day look upon and appreciate. That's one of things I love most about my "job" as a photographer. People let me into their lives, and I get opportunities to meet incredible families with amazing histories. The people I meet stay with me, and fuel my passion for creating images that families will cherish for generations.

Jason would not let me leave without filling up a basket of goodies. He even invited me to say for some homemade potato soup. He was the sweetest man and I wanted to package him up and take him with me too! His hospitality and generosity I will always remember and be thankful for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jessica, you are so deep and it's so obvious you truly love your "work"...and are spectacular at it!