Friday, November 28, 2008

Duck, Duck, Beaver!!

Here's a few shots from my family shoot today. These kidos were so cute in their football and cheerleading gear. As you can see two of the kids are Oregon Duck fans and one (the smart one) is an Oregon State Beavers fan! Go Beavs!!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Ashley and Kirsten wanted to do something special for their parents this Christmas. We decided on Bush park for our location to take some photos. I hope their parents will be surprised and excited with what we got. Here's a sneak peak!

Monday, November 17, 2008

In the Holiday Spirit!

I thought I'd play around with making some Christmas cards and this is what I got!

Design 1

Design 2

These are a few of my favorite things...

I just got a pedicure and all I can say is "Ahhhhhhh!" My feet haven't felt this great in a loooong time. Because I feel so great, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things with you. These are just random things that make me well, happy!
First off because my feet are fresh, clean, relaxed, and I feel totally rejuvenated, I have to recommend my newest guilty pleasure. Ladies (and guys if you are into this stuff) GET A PEDICURE!! Trust me, you deserve it! ;-)

1. THE RED DOOR salon and spa 503-851-6157 ask for Carrie Melow.
She will knock your socks off (no pun intended). Carrie does an awesome job. Not only do I have new feet thanks to Carrie, but I also have new hair. She did my hair last week and I love it!

2. HOME INTERIOR'S CANDLES (Baked Apple Pie, Sugared Vanilla and Snicker doodle). These will make you want to melt they smell so delicious! I am now hooked on these candles thanks to Carrie Melow. She had some at her work station in The Red Door. Think about it...candles, warm fire, snugly blanket, and a good book...perfect for a rainy day.

3. TWILIGHT SERIES - If you haven't heard of this series, I'm sure you will within the next couple of weeks because a movie comes out next week about the first book. I just finished the forth book today and wow...I hope Stephenie Meyer comes out with a 5th book!

Sorry to all you Starbucks lovers out there, but the Beanery wins this one hands down! They have the best hot chocolate, and I have tried my fair share of hot cocoa since I am not a coffee drinker. Add a squirt of hazelnut or toasted marsh mellow flavoring, top it off with some whip cream, and you will be in Heaven!

If you love making someone else's day, you have to invest some time to check out this website. I love their products!!
Well, that's all I have time for...for now. I will be adding more later! :-)

Kirsten's Graduation Annoucements

I have been working on a little project that is a lot of fun! I took Kirsten's Senior photos earlier this summer and we had a great time! She and her sister came by my office to discuss ordering some graduation announcements. Well ladies, this is what I have come up with so far!

Design 1 - Tickled Pink

Design 2 - Feeling Blue

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cari comes to Oregon!

Cari and I met in middle school when we played on the same basketball team. We became closer the older we got, and now my friendship with her is one of my most treasured things. Cari lives in New Hampshire, so we only get to see each other about once a year (twice if we're lucky)! Last year Cari and her husband welcomed their little bundle of joy, Lillian. The first time I saw Lillian she was about 3 weeks old, and as perfect as can be.

A little over a year after meeting Lillian, Cari was planning a trip out West so we just had to get some photos. As I snapped photos of Lillian with her "mama" Cari's family entertained the little one with noise makers, clapping, and the colorful leaves outside. Lillian, like her mother and father, is one that shines on the go, and I think they might have a future soccer star on their hands.

After the photo shoot with Lillian and Cari, we decided to try and get some shots of just Cari. Cari is working on her first album. The woman can sing people! Her genre of choice is Christian Pop. One of things that I love most about Cari, is her love for Christ. I have always admired her for the way she has worn her faith on her sleeve. Watching her grow as a woman, Christian, wife, friend and now mother has truly been an inspiration to me. I love you Cari and thank you for sharing your friendship with me! :-)

Cari with her sister, Cathy...we took the photos in her back yard!