Sunday, June 5, 2011

My little sister is expecting a baby girl this summer. It seems like it was just yesterday my friends and I were daring her to jump off a 15 foot high cliff at Foster Lake (which actually felt like 50 feet when you peaked down and over the edge). The same cliff that took me half a day to get the courage to leap off of myself. We only dared her because we didn't think she would have the guts to actually do it. She could barely swim...why would she jump? Vanessa has always been fearless. A quality that has taught her some valuable life lessons as well as made her admirable by the people that know her. That really know her. So, I'm sure that you've guessed by know that she did, in fact, jump. She jumped without hesitation. I stood there, watching, in awe. Almost pissed that she made it look so easy.

Now that little dare devil is preparing for motherhood. Something that you have to approach with a quiet confidence and without fear. Vanessa mentioned that she is anxious about becoming a mom, which is totally normal, but I know that she will be great at this freaky and hugely beautiful task we women have been blessed with. Her fearless nature will be a nice balance in the formula that makes up motherhood.

One thing I know for sure, she won't be raisin' no sissy!

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