Sunday, September 25, 2011

LIFE IS ABOUT friendship

Friendship is such a powerful thing and the older I get, the more I've realized how precious friendship is. Growing up I had the most amazing best friend. We met in 5th grade and as fate would have it we ended up sitting next to each other in class. She was new to "my" school and I just happened to notice her drawing a picture on a piece of paper. I looked at her and said, "Wow, you're a really good drawer." She looked back at me and said, "Thanks, would you like some of my grapes?" The rest is history. We became one person. We shared secrets, clothes, makeup, and lots of laughs. We shared our first cigarette, first late night outing (without the parents knowing) and first high school party. She taught me how to be more adventurous and I can only hope I taught her something in return. As we grew up we remained close but she relocated to Virginia after our Freshman year. I cried and cried and cried. At the time it felt like someone had died. We stayed in touch through phone calls and she would write me letters (she had the best penmanship ever) but life consumed us and the phone calls slowed down. Years would pass and we would both become grown women with married lives and new friends. So, now I'm 28 and have learned a few things about friendship. The friendship I had with my childhood friend is one of a kind. There's really nothing I can compare it to. But what was important when I was 13 is different than what is important to me now. I currently have a circle a friends that are the MOST amazing people I have ever met. Some of them live 5 minutes away and some more of them live states away. What I have come to know is that a good friend is not easy to come by. I feel that all of my close friendships are divine and that God put these women in my life on purpose. He is intentional is His ways and I am humbled by the gifts of friendship He has bestowed on me. How could I be so deserving? This post was inspired by a shoot I did with two girls that are besties/BBFs/sistas from another mista/homies/P.I.C.s/chickas...however you want to put it. They are Best Friends to the tee. They even list each other as "married" on their Facebook pages. They were super sweet and a lot of fun to capture. Thanks girls for being so candid. You've really inspired me to be more appreciative of the homies in my life.


Anonymous said...

Friendship is very important! Thank you for creating a special day for Katy! I enjoyed watching these two together! Im blessed to have you as one of my friends! Your an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

Jessica,I don't know where my message went. I sent you one this morning and it was a long one??
You are amazing! I was blubbering like a foul when I was reading your posting about friends. And then I saw the pictures of Katy and Courtney and I really lost it. I am so thankful that you did these pictures for Katy and Courtney. The pictures are beautiful!
They will be so special for many years to come. Thanks Jess. Love you.

Jessica Dawn Photo said...

Thank you so much! One of the things that I love about taking photos is that people really let me into their lives and often times the stories we can tell through photos are so inspiring to me.

Kelly Munns said...

i love your posts. they are so insightful. and these girls are gorgeous! good job!