Friday, October 7, 2011

Letters from my loved ones-Part I

I save letters. Cards. Postcards. Little sticky notes with sweet nothings written on them. I save them because I know that one day I will pull out one of those letters or cards and read something nice that someone gave to me. With the fast paced techy world and convenience of email or facebook most of us have resorted to sending people messages via the internet. While I believe this is a great way to stay in touch with people, I still believe that there's nothing better than a little snail mail or an unexpected note from someone special.
Today I was looking for my other shoe. I kneeled down onto my floor, tucked my bed skirt inbetween my mattresses to find my missing my shoe and "Ahhh haa!" I didn't find my shoe, but something else caught my attention. Two hat boxes sitting on the floor full of letters, cards, post it notes, and post cards. I pulled them out knowing I wasn't in any hurry and began reading.
As I was thumbing through all the goodies I found a letter from my dad. It was a letter he gave me when I turned 18. I started to read and began to absorbe the message he was "gifting" me. I am SO glad I save letters!
Here is part of his message: "God has given you desires in your heart that are good. He's given you the talents to compliment those desires. To reach your full potential you must be focused and work hard, I know you have worked hard already, but I think you know deep down in your heart that you have held back. You can do it! I love you Jessica! You are a great treasure, a pristine jewel. You have my heart forever. The future is right now Jess. - Dad"
Of course I cried when I read his letter. Growing up, my dad would always tell me "You are full of potential. You don't even know how great you could be." Most of the time he was referring to basketball. Car rides after games were full of conversations about fundamentals, using the backboard, timidness, and not passing up opportunities to score. I knew he was right. I was afraid of failure and disapointing my team, my coach, my family. So, I would hold back. A lot. When it comes to my adult life I've become a little more bold. But I can still feel myself holding back at times. Afraid that my work, my talents, or my gifts won't be received well by others. Self belief has been a process for me. Some days I wake up and I feel like I can conquere the world. Other days the doubt creeps in and hangs over my head like a big, fat, dark rain cloud. My dad's message was so powerful to read because I understand exactly what he is saying.
God has given you desires in your heart that are good. He's given you the talents to compliment these desires. To reach your full potential you MUST be focused and work hard. The future is now.


Katie said...

Awwww shoot. You made me tear up! This is such an insightful post, Jess! Thanks for sharing:)

Jessica Dawn Photo said...

Thanks for reading Katie! Hugs!

tcarr said...

Loved it Jess! You know the future can be now too! You still have talents that compliment your desires. It shows in all you do. Im proud to call you my friend! Thanks for writing such wonderful insightful blogs.

Jessica Dawn Photo said...

Tracy, thank you so much! that really means a lot!

Sandra said...

This is very encouraging to me, thank you for posting:)